K-UTE Radio - Salt Lake City, UT

K-UTE is your one source for all things music at the U

K-UTE Radio

Salt Lake City

United States

About K-UTE K-UTE is a student run radio station at the University of Utah. We are dedicated to providing quality, diverse content with an emphasis ... See more on providing our volunteer broadcasters a valuable and fun broadcasting experience within an academic setting. We hope that the listener finds what we have to offer entertaining, educational and useful. K-UTE broadcasts online at http://www.kuteradio.com, over University of Utah TV on channel 99, and on 1620 AM around the campus. K-UTE also provides the University of Utah and greater Salt Lake communities with an effective medium for promoting their events and causes. To utilize these services, please follow this link. We're here to give the students a place to be heard and hear what they want. Call us anytime in the studio at 801-585-3449. Or drop by, 4th floor of the Union on the U of U campus. Contact live DJs via mail at: kutedj@gmail.com

Salt Lake City - Utah, United States - English

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K-UTE University of Utah201 Presidents Circle Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9008

kutedj@gmail.comMariana Alexza Clark a.clark@kute.utah.edu Hilary Dent h.dent@kute.utah.eduAaron McKinstry-Luepke a.mckinstry-leupke@kute.utah.eduNicholas McGinnis n.micginnis@kute.utah.eduChase Dickerson c.dickerson@kute.utah.eduJon A

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